Ariana Grande UK Tribute Act - Princess Party Entertainers, book by paying a non-refundable booking fee - Tribute Act Stage Coach - Dance School - TV Acting Classes - Theatre School - Dance classes - Drama classes - Dance lessons - Bramhall, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheadle Heath Party Entertainers - Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Northwich

Children's parties are hosted by actress/singers and talented tributes who represent fictional characters. They are not associated with any copyright or licensed characters, company, brand or attraction park. 5 Star Parties  will only accept party bookings from those who accept this policy.

Stage Coach - Dance School - Drama Classes - TV Acting Classes - Theatre School - Dance classes - Dance lessons - Bramhall, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheadle Heath Party Entertainers - Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Northwich

5 Star Parties do not intend to infringe any copyright laws.

Drama Classes - Drama School - Drama Lessons Stage Coach - Dance School - TV Acting Classes - Theatre School - Dance classes - Dance lessons - Bramhall, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheadle Heath Party Entertainers - Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Northwich

30 days notice via email must be given if a child discontinues classes. Classes within the 30 days notice period must be paid for.  Stage Coach - Dance School - Drama Classes - TV Acting Classes - Theatre School - Dance classes - Dance lessons - Bramhall, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheadle Heath Party Entertainers - Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Northwich

Classes missed due to illness and absence must be paid for. Stage Coach - Dance School - Drama Classes - TV Acting Classes - Theatre School - Dance classes - Dance lessons - Bramhall, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheadle Heath Party Entertainers - Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Northwich

Stage Coach - Dance School - Drama classes - TV Acting Classes - Theatre School - Dance classes - Dance lessons - Bramhall, Hazel Grove, Stockport, Cheadle Heath Party Entertainers - Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Northwich

Dance School providing the best Street Dance and Hip Hop Dance classes. Theatre acting classes and Drama classes taught by highly qualified dance teachers. Dance lessons take place in Bramhall, Stockport, Wilmslow, Cheshire. Drama classes - Theatre acting classes - Theatre School - Dance classes - Dance lessons - Bramhall, Stockport, Wilmslow, Cheshire 

5 Star Parties provide the best party entertainers. Party entertainers cover Bramhall, Alderley Edge, Prestbury, Wilmslow, Macclesfield, Knutsford, Northwich and the surrounding areas.


FAIRY: My name is Fairy Flora,
I like to speak in rhyme,
I suppose that's why they've asked me to start the pantomime!
I'm here to tell a magic tale,
Of a girl that's called Snow White.
Her face is fair, her manner sweet,
Her futures not too bright.
For the Queen who rules over the land,
Likes to be the main feature.
She's jealous of Snow White and so a lesson wants to teach her!
I will keep an eye on things,
I mustn't give the plot away before the shows begun.
Let us in traditional way,
Begin with Chapter One!


QUEEN: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage my magic mirror!

MAGIC MIRROR: (Bows to Queen) Your Majesty, (Bows to audience) Everyone.

QUEEN: So nice to see you again mirror.  It's been too long.

MAGIC MIRROR: You check your face in me every 5 minutes.

QUÈEN: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? 
MAGIC MIRROR: The fairest? That is you my Queen. 
QUEEN: (Thrilled) See, it’s me, the Mirror never lies. Mirror, mirror say to me, the numbers for the lottery. 
MAGIC MIRROR: (In the style of Lottery Announcer) Well, your majesty, the balls are out and the winning numbers tonight are… Drumroll please…. 1, 13, 17, 27, 35, and 48. The bonus ball is 23! 
SNOW WHITE: I’ve won, I’ve won! I can’t believe it! Mo, Flo, Bo, Jo! I have the winning ticket! 
QUEEN: I’ll double check I’m still the most beautiful. Mirror Mirror do your bit, tell me who is really fit? 
MAGIC MIRROR: You are, your majesty. 

FLO: Snow White, what will you buy with the lottery money? 

SNOW WHITE: I've always wanted to rescue lots of puppies from the dogs home. I will spend all of the money to re-home as many dogs as I can. 

MO: That is a wonderful act of kindness. You are truly beautiful both inside and out.
QUEEN: I love this game! Mirror Mirror look at me, of all the girls, who is beauty? 
MAGIC MIRROR: I must say you are too vain, for beauty is now not the same. 
QUEEN: (Outraged) What? You’re lying It can’t be anyone else! I’m the fairest in the land! It’s me! Me! Me! 
MAGIC MIRROR: No, no, no! Two minutes ago it was you, but the fairest is now someone new. 
QUEEN: I will not allow this! I refuse to accept this change. I’m the Queen and what I say goes! You can’t just change who the fairest in the kingdom is, you can’t change it! You can’t! 
MAGIC MIRROR: Oh my Queen you’ve gone deranged, I told the truth, and the truth has changed.

​Whilst you are the most beautiful in my sight, there's another star who shines more bright. Her name is Snow White.
QUEEN: SNOW WHITE?!! That's it, Mirror, get out of my sight. I'm off to find the fair Snow White.
(Queen walks off)

BO: I don’t need a mirror to tell me I'm beautiful.

JO: If your face is your fortune, you're in debt.

BO: You’re talking rubbish. Look at me, my skin is like a baby's.

JO: Yes, a baby hippos!

BO: I'll have you know  I've been compared to all the great beauties!

JO: Really?!

BO: I always dress in the latest fashion.

JO: Really!.

FLO: You are looking at bit peaky this morning.

MO: What?!

FLO: Are you using a different blusher?

MO: If I want beauty tips, I'll go to the beauty counter at Boots.

FLO: You know I'm telling the truth.

MO: You’re a pain!

FLO: Oooooooooh! Pardon me for breathing!

SNOW WHITE: Good day Mo, Flo, Bo and Jo. I'm off to choose puppies. I'm absolutely so excited.

FLO: Can I choose them?

MO: What about me?

SNOW WHITE: We'll all choose them.

SNOW WHITE: We'll call this puppy Swizzles.
SWIZZLES: Puppy Krunchies can't be beat, they make each meal a special treat. 

Happy dogs are those who eat, tasty Puppy Krunchies.
Do what all the smart dogs do,
You'll feel great the whole day through.
You can be a champion too,
If you eat Puppy Krunchies!

QUEEN: Ooh, spotted little furry creatures. I've been without a pet long enough. Nobody to play with. I'll buy the whole litter! How much?

SNOW WHITE: I'm afraid we can't give them up.

QUEEN: You can't possibly afford to keep them. Here's a hundred for the lot.

SNOW WHITE: We're not selling the puppies.

QUEEN: You must be joking. Two hundred!

SNOW WHITE: No, no, no. I mean it.

QUEEN: Three zillion pounds. That's my final offer!

SNOW WHITE: I am not selling a single one. I won the lottery so we don't need your money!

QUEEN: Keep the little beasts. Just you wait, I'll get even. You fools!!

BO: You were magnificent.

JO: She's horrible.

FLO: Absolutely horrible!

MO: Why does she have to be so mean?

FAIRY: Life went on at Snow White's House and everyone was happy,
They thought they'd seen the last of the Queen who got super snappy.
They didn't know the Queen was busy making evil plans,
Evil plans to take the puppies and make them her greatest fans.
Nobody knew the danger ahead,
Nobody knew the evil plans that the Queen had in her head!


QUEEN: Right, now Snow White's gone out, I'll go in and get those puppies!!! Hellllooooo, little puppies!
Look, what I have for you! A whole bag of Puppy Krunchies!! Come out here with me and pick your favourite flavour!


QUEEN: Ha, ha, ha! You're all mine now!

FAIRY: When Snow White found the puppies were gone, she was absolutely distraught,
Who could have been so bad and had this evil thought.
She phoned the police who were understaffed and unable to be her saviour,
This is what we have to expect, now the countries run by Labour!
So Snow White takes off on her quest
For the puppies she will do her best.
Into the forest, follow the fleas,
Stay safe, take care, beware of the trees.
(Fairy Exit)


SNOW WHITE: The puppies could be this way. I'm glad you two came with me. I don't think I could find them alone. I'm completely lost. What a lovely tree. Let's eat one of the apples.
BO: I can’t do it.
JO: Why not? Are you on a diet?
BO: I've not come here for a picnic!
SNOW WHITE: Come on. Shake the apples out of the tree.
FLO: No! No! No!
SNOW WHITE: You trust me don't you?
MO: Of course we do!
SNOW WHITE: Come on then!

(They eat the apples)

SNOW WHITE: Oh dear, I'm feeling dizzy. What's happening to me.

MO: Oh my!

FLO: I feel strange.

SNOW WHITE: I think I'm going to...(passes out) faint!


SNOW WHITE: (Wakes from a deep slumber) Hello? Hello? Is anyone here? (Sees the audience) Oh, hello, I'm glad to see some friendly faces. I strayed from the path and got completely lost. Then I felt hungry so we ate some apples. After that, I must have fallen asleep. It feels like I've been asleep for such a long time. Do you know how long we've been asleep for?
3 years!!! Oh no, my beautiful puppies may never remember me.

FAIRY: Are you excited to see what happens next? Are you? Well, I'm excited and I know what's coming!

SNOW WHITE: What was that?

FLO: Mo is that you?

MO: Flo is that you?


BO: Hello!

JO: Hello!

MO: What is it?

BO: A monster!

FLO: What is it?

JO: A monster!

SNOW WHITE: Stop messing about! We have puppies to rescue.
Is that Swizzles? You look so big!
Where are the other puppies?

SWIZZLES: The Queen has them.

FLO: We'll cause a distraction.

MO: You can sneak in...

SNOW WHITE: ...and rescue the puppies!
This part of the forest could be haunted by ghosties and ghoulies.

JO: I don’t want to be grabbed by the ghosties.

BO: And I don't want to be grabbed by the ghoulies.

SNOW WHITE: I know, you all sing a song.

BO: They say singing can scare ghosties away.

JO: Your singing could scare anyone away!

BO: Charming!

SNOW WHITE: OK, sing. If you see any ghosties, will you call out and let us know? Will you? Great!


SNOW WHITE: Is there a ghost sitting next to me? Is it scary? Shall I look? Oh, it's....., I've always wanted to meet a celebrity. Could you sign my autograph book? (Ghost leaves)
(To Swizzles) Which way to the Queen's Castle?


FLO: That’s what I was afraid of...Not that way...anywhere but that way!

MO: Calm down Flo, it's only a pantomime.

FLO: But it can't be that way.

SNOW WHITE: Why what's that way?

BO: We'll have to pass through the deepest, darkest part of the forest.

JO: The deepest darkest part of the forest?

BO: Yes, the deepest darkest part of the forest.

ALL: Aaaarrgghh!!

SNOW WHITE: Let's follow Swizzles, who will lead us to the other puppies.
There's no point putting it off.

MO: Why does it have to be called the spooky forest?

FLO: Yes, why can't it be called the really pretty forest where nothing spooky ever happens?


BO: We are not going in there first.

SNOW WHITE: Oh yes you are!

MO, FLO, BO & JO: Oh no we're not!

SNOW WHITE: Oh yes you are!

MO, FLO, BO & JO: Oh no we're not!

SNOW WHITE: Oh yes we are!

MO, FLO, BO & JO: Oh no we're not!
BO: Swizzles should go in first!
(Swizzles walks through first, followed by the others. Scary trees chase them.)


©️ Copyright 5 STAR TALENT 2025
This edition of Snow White is published by 5 STAR TALENT, to whom enquiries regarding current royalty rates and performance licences must be addressed. 